Important Details on How to Get Rid of Acne Marks- By: Jessie Flaskiz

Description : So, if you are reading this you are probably interested in how to get rid of acne marks, right? Okay, well this article will provide some important details on the causes of acne, tall acne tales, types of scarring, some natural remedies and preventatives you can take in your day to day life to get rid of those stupid marks. Yes, I m passionate about this topic, because I too was a sufferer.

Let s start at the beginning shall we. The causes in plain English have less to do with diet than they do with your chemical makeup. Of course, if you notice an effect after slamming a cheeseburger then of course you know what to do don t you? Stop it. Across the board, hormones are the number one cause of skin stress like acne. It s no mystery that young adults aptly suffer from this growing pain and it is ALL to do with hormones. There is also speculation that the provocation of the crab face disease (not an official term, just a pet name) comes down to a weak liver. This is why most teenagers grow out of it. If you are one of the unlucky one s, either keep reading or go straight to your doctor.

It is important to know the types of scarring when they are staring back at you in the mirror, so you can prevent making more damage to the skin you re in. See the shortlist below, so you can be better to equipped on how to get rid of acne marks:

> Ice Pick Scars : are shallow, steep sided, jagged edged and are often found on your cheeks

> Boxcar Scars : are oval shaped, sharp edged, often a result from Chicken pox that can be found on your cheeks and templates

> Rolling Scars : are rolling hillside in appearance that are found on cheeks and forehead

> Hypertrophic Scars: are the small red bumps that appear most frequently and fade the fastest

There are a few remedies you SHOULD try first, before seeking medical help or wasting all your money on face products at the supermarket. It s all about understanding what your hormones react to on the surface.

> Vitamin E Cream: I cannot stress enough how important this is. You should apply this daily, if not more than this if you want to get rid of scars. It can be a slow process, but most doctors will tell you exactly the same thing first.

TIP: Try brands that accelerate the process on the label. They often do.

>Tomato: Actually classified as a fruit the contents of old tom (with emphasis on the pulp) will break up the oil and lift away dead skin.

>Toothpaste: This is good back up for break out spots. Toothpaste dries out the new pimple and prevents the return and further scarring. Obviously.

>Lemon Juice: Well lemon juice is used to bleach hair, why not try it on stubborn scars? It is proven to be effective in lightening dark spots left by acne and pimples.

Last but not least, the preventatives you take in your day to day life will help your inside health as much as your outside health and permanently train you on how to get rid of acne marks.

> Green Vegetables and fruits, plenty of water (one before breakfast) are sure to give your system a good flushing. This might cause a bunch of break outs to start with, but will pass in no time. T

TIP: Stay away from any food that is taxing to your liver, like that cheeseburger I was talking about earlier.

> Do Number Twos. Sorry to get personal, but what goes in what must go out and this does relieve stored toxins in the body.

> Beauty Sleep. Don t eat before bed and try to get your 8 hours a day and you should be on the road to success.

> Change your bed sheets and pillow covers often.

> It goes without saying, try not to pimple bust.

To wrap that all up, in order to to get rid of acne marks be aware of the myths that fast food causes pimples. It is actually to do with hormone imbalance and if there are more break outs after you have consumed a cheeseburger then it is because your liver is struggling to break it all down. Types of scars include ice pick scars, boxcar scars, rolling scars and hypertrophic scars. The natural remedies you should try first are Vitamin E creams, tomato pulp, toothpaste and lemon juice. Preventative measures will drastically reduce the inception of ingrown hair. You can do this by eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, making sure you have regular bowel movements, getting plenty of rest, changing the sheets and leaving any unwelcome visitors alone!

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Author Resource : A former Acne sufferer and full-time blogger, Jessie likes to build awareness about skin conditions like Acne. Find out how to get rid of Acne marks today at